Hi, My name is Prince Owusu. I'm a third year student at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi-Ghana, pursuing a degree in Statistics. I'm a data analyst with a Passion for big data analytics and machine learning. I'm also enthusiastic in front end development and design. I aspire towards a career that will allow me to channel my analytic skills through a full stack data mining, and my creativity through crafting beautiful websites and engaging experiences.
Listening to music
Data storytelling is an art and an essential data science skill. One of the most important task in the hands of a data scientists is to give data a clear, loud and convincing voice. It is much more than creating visually appealing graphs, plots and charts. Dashboards are a very powerful and unique way to tell your data story. I strive to design analytic dashboards, user interfaces and experiences that people can enjoy on all mediums.
As an individual with a strong mathematics and statistical background, data analysis is a field I enjoy working in. Due to my multi-tasking ability, I am highly creative and motivated to support business processes and procedures. I am able to perform complex data mining, validating and analyzing data, and presenting reports.
With a strong foundation in computer programming, I'm passionate about web design and development. Design isn't just what a product looks like and feels like on the outside. Design entails the internal functionality of a product as well as the overall user experience. As I grow as a web designer, I hope to be able to design great websites and make my to the top among the greatest web designers.
I've been programming with python and doing data analysis for roughly 2 years, and I've been studying front end development for some months and I'm always eager to learn more in this fast paced industry.
(more coming soon)
A single paged admin dashboard written in python with plotly dash to summarize the performance of a fictional marketting company.
view projectTrained a text classification model usning python's scikit-learn that can detect whether a text message sent by an individual is spam or not.
view projectPerformed a full stack data mining on air pollutants data from Aotizhongxin-Beijin air-quality monitoring site.
view projectA single paged admin dashboard written in python with plotly dash that displays both descriptive and sentiment analysis of a twitter user's tweet.
view projectPerformed a descriptive statistical analysis on the reviews provided by users of Xanax (Aprazolam).
view projectA modern responsive portfolio website created for myself using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript and AOS library.
view projectWhether you have an idea for a project or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email!
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